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At the heart of the village

Charity No. 503027

Gill Lane,

Walmer Bridge


Tel: 01772 612113

email: wbvh@outlook.com

See us on Facebook


Monday - morning - pop into Walmer Bridge Tots and join others with their                                         little ones Walmer Bridge Tots

                             lunch time -  PD Kinetics with Charlotte Kershaw

                                             tel: 07834 175560

                        evening - learn to dance at Tracey Taylor School of Dancing                                                            Tracey Taylor School of Dancing

Tuesday -        lunch time - A-Star Sports childrens sport coaching - see HERE

                      afternoon -  Street Dance Class with Tina Penswick - see HERE

                early evening - Yoga sessions with Sandra - tel: 07983 876041

                 later evening - come along to our friendly BINGO sessions

Wednesday evening - again you can learn to dance at Tracey Taylor School                                          of Dancing                                                            

Thursday 9.45 - 3.15  -  Inspired By Nature Flower Arranging

                                             with Margaret Whittaker - tel: 01772 614085

      early in the evening   -  you have the chance to learn Tap Dance                                          with Wendy Harris - tel: 07866 195317 or 01704 211478

                     and later   -  why not try your hand, or foot, at Line Dancing                                          with Pam Martin - tel: 07831 143251 or 01772 681733

Friday    9.45 - 3.15  -  Another chance to Inspired By Nature

With Margaret Whittaker

Monthly* Friday evenings - The Last Chance Saloon opens for all the Country fans

Saturday morning - the childrens turn to learn to dance with Tracey Taylors                                      School of Dancing

Second Monday* in the month - Little Hoole Parish Council Meetings


* Some sessions are seasonal or have holiday breaks. Please contact the organiser or click HERE to check the Hall Diary for details of a particular session.