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At the heart of the village

Charity No. 503027

Gill Lane,

Walmer Bridge


Tel: 01772 612113

email: wbvh@outlook.com

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Booking all or part of the Facility

The easiest way to book or just check availability of the Hall and its facilities is to use our online diary. [See “Online Diary and Booking Requests” button below]

If you request a booking from the diary we will contact you to confirm whether or not we are able to accommodate your request.

Please note that this will remain a request until such time as we contact you and confirm the Booking in writing or by email; after that the booking will be held for 7 DAYS ONLY during which time the appropriate Deposit must be paid .

If you are unsure or just wish to talk to a real person rather than interact with a computer ring us and we’ll be pleased to assist you.


Alternatively to make your booking request or enquiry in person ‘phone 01772 612113

Online Diary and Booking Requests

Before requesting a booking please read our Terms and Conditions.

You will be required to check a box on the booking form to confirm that you have read and that you accept them.

In particular please note:

1. Terms  & Conditions Clause 5 regarding a Deposit needed to secure the booking

2. That you will be required to book sufficient time before the event to set up and adequate time afterwards to clear away and that any waste from the event must be removed from the Facility before departing.